
Configuration files are all in user's directory under ~/.openveo/publish

  • ~/.openveo/publish/publishConf.json
  • ~/.openveo/publish/videoPlatformConf.json
  • ~/.openveo/publish/watcherConf.json

Nb : You must restart OpenVeo servers after modifications.

Configure the plugin

Open ~/.openveo/publish/publishConf.json

  "videoTmpDir" : "/tmp/videos", // Temporary directory to stock uploading videos (video is removed after the upload)
  "maxConcurrentPublish" : 3, // Maximum number of videos to upload simultaneously
  "metadataFileName" : ".session" // Name of the video metadata file in a tar package

Configure video platform credentials

Open ~/.openveo/publish/videoPlatformConf.json

  "vimeo" : { // Vimeo platform configuration
    "clientId" : "vimeo client id (available on vimeo application page",
    "clientSecret" : "vimeo client secret (available on vimeo application page",
    "accessToken" : "vimeo access token (available on vimeo application page"
  "youtube": {
    "uploadMethod": "uploadResumable", // (uploadResumable or uploadClassic; default: uploadResumable)
    "googleOAuth": {
       "clientId": "Youtube API client Id (available in your Google Developper Console )",
       "clientSecret":  "Youtube API client secret (available in your Google Developper Console )",
       "redirectUrl": "http://SERVER_HOST_NAME:SERVER_PORT/be/publish/configuration/googleOAuthAssosiation"
     "privacy": "public" // (public, private or unlisted; default: public)
    "protocol": "sftp", // (ftp, sftp, ftps)
    "host": "HOST", //server host where the video will be uploaded
    "port": "PORT", //server host port
    "user": "USERNAME", // server username
    "pwd": "PASSWORD", // server password
    "vodFilePath": "/files/", // path where the video will be uploaded
    "streamPath": "https://HOST/APP_NAME" // stream path exposed by wowza to access video, HOST and APP_NAME are defined in wowza
  "local": {
    "vodFilePath": "/path/to/host/folder/",// path where the video will be uploaded on the local machine
    "streamPath": "stream/path/" //stream path exposed by local server relative to Openveo CDN to access the video
  "tls": {
    "nfsPath": "/absolute/path/to/nfs/directory", // path of the directory shared with TLS
    "mediaDirectoryPath": "path/to/media/directory", // path of the directory holding medias (relative to nfsPath)
    "accessToken": "TLS access token", // access token to use to authenticate requests to TLS web service
    "url": "https://TLS_SERVER_HOST_NAME:TLS_SERVER_PORT/web/service/uri", // URL of the TLS web service
    "certificate": "/absolute/path/to/full/chain/certificate.crt" // path to the full chain certificate if top authority is not part of system well known authorities

To upload videos on Youtube, publish requires googleOAuth credentials.
To upload videos on Wowza, you need to install lftp on your system.

Configure the watcher

Open ~/.openveo/publish/watcherConf.json

  "hotFolders" : [ // List of folders to watch
      "type" : "vimeo", // Video platform to upload to for this hot folder (only local, vimeo, wowza or youtube is supported)
      "path" : "/user/box/hot2" // Path to the hot folder
      "type" : "youtube", // Video platform to upload to for this hot folder (only local, vimeo, wowza or youtube is supported)
      "path" : "/user/box/hot3" // Path to the hot folder
      "type" : "wowza", // Video platform to upload to for this hot folder (only local, vimeo, wowza or youtube is supported)
      "path" : "/user/box/hot4" // Path to the hot folder
      "type" : "local", // Video platform to upload to for this hot folder (only local, vimeo, wowza or youtube is supported)
      "path" : "/user/box/hot5" // Path to the hot folder
      // No video platform specified: let user choose on which platform the video will be uploaded
      "path" : "/user/box/hot1" // Path to the hot folder

Nb : If type is missing for a hot folder, videos won't be automatically uploaded to a platform. Videos can be uploaded to a platform from the catalogue of videos in the back end.